Peakhurst Campus

Georges River College

Telephone02 9153 9966

YAP (Year Adviser Program)

Year Adviser Program

Year 7

Mrs Fotini Tzoumas- TAS Staffroom (A block)

Year 8

Ms Stacey Milis - TAS Staffroom (A block)

Year 9

Ms Michelle Seinor - CAPA Staffroom (C block)

Year 10

Ms Mariam Haidar - CAPA Staffroom (C block)


The Year Adviser is students' first port of call should any issues arise or if students wish to discuss any concerns about school.

The Year Adviser Program (YAP) is a GRC Peakhurst Campus welfare initiative, conducted by year advisers and the wellbeing team and is aimed at supporting students both in and beyond the classroom.

The program includes:

  • Year assemblies which focus on rewarding student achievement and promoting positive school morale.
  • Guest speakers and performances addressing youth issues surrounding bullying and harassment, cybersafety, social networking sites, peer relationships, anger management and study skills.
  • Rewards morning teas to recognise the contribution of students beyond the classroom.
  • Rewards excursions for students who embrace the school's welfare and discipline procedures and have been awarded bronze, silver or gold status in our Merit System.

Year Advisers can also be reached by contacting the school on (02) 9153 9966.