Georges River College Peakhurst Campus

Respect, Responsibility, Excellence

Telephone02 9153 9966


Whole school numeracy initiatives 

The Department of Education and Communities has a mandatory focus on numeracy across the curriculum. Numeracy is not just the preserve of mathematics lessons and teachers but is an essential skill required in everyday life. To draw students into exploring the breadth of these skills and to motivate and excite their interests, the following initiatives have been implemented at GRC Peakhurst Campus.

Roll call

During roll-call, all Year 9 and 10 students spend 20 minutes each morning working through a range of numeracy activities (alternates with literacy each term) via workbooks and computer-based activities. The activities target all those aspects of mathematics that enable a person to cope with the practical demands of everyday life and the ability to understand information presented in mathematical terms. Work is closely monitored by roll call teachers.


Every student at GRC Peakhurst Campus is signed up for Mathletics; a web-based learning program, which integrates home and school learning via the internet. Students are encouraged to complete set tasks and bridge any gaps in their knowledge by working through activities at their own pace. The benefits of Mathletics are outlined below: 

  • students are engaged and motivated to learn
  • it is adaptive and responds to students' individual strengths and weaknesses
  • provides immediate feedback
  • contains animated support which guides students through concepts
  • fosters a stimulating and exciting on-line learning community through its live feature
  • creates the perfect link between home and school
  • provides parents and teachers with the tools to monitor individual student progress.

Pi day

Each year, Year 8 students participate in pi day to celebrate many of the uses and mysteries of circles and the mathematical constant Pi. 

Traditionally, pi day is celebrated on March 14 while pi approximation day is celebrated on 22nd July. 

Students are placed in eight groups and all groups rotate through eight cross-curriculum lessons related to circles, followed by a ‘Carnivale' of fun physical activities and competitions in the afternoon, with many prizes being awarded throughout the day.