Georges River College Peakhurst Campus

Respect, Responsibility, Excellence

Telephone02 9153 9966

Homework expectations

Students are expected to do reasonable amounts of additional school work at home to consolidate what has been learnt at school.  It will most often take the form of additional practice exercises or reading but may consist of project work where there is scope for the student to show individual interests and excellence.

Suggested times for homework each night are:

Year 7:

  • time: one hour.

Year 8:

  • time: one hour.

Year 9:

  • time: one and a hallf hours.

Year 10:

  • time: two hours or more.

All students are issued with a free student diary at the beginning of each year.  This diary remains the property of Peakhurst Campus. It must be treated with respect and brought to school each day.

Use of diary

Sensible use of homework diaries will assist in the development of correct study habits. Homework needs to be done on the night that it is set, to avoid too much work accumulating. Each student is expected to review work done in class that day. Parents are encouraged to check homework and discuss work covered at school.

No pupil is ever in the position to say: "I have no work to do tonight!"

Lost diaries must be replaced and are available from the front office for $8.00.

Homework centre

A homework centre operates each Monday and Tuesday afternoon from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. in the School Library. Students are provided with light refreshments from 3:00 p.m. and begin work by 3:05 p.m. Students are given the opportunity to work on homework or assignments under the supervision of staff.