Georges River College Peakhurst Campus

Respect, Responsibility, Excellence

Telephone02 9153 9966

Primary links

Primary links 'Taster' program

The primary links 'Taster' program allows Year 4 and 5 students the opportunity to have a High School experience.

Students are given the opportunity to participate in High School lessons in such subjects as science, visual arts, food technology, mathematics, drama, dance, music, HSIE, Japanese and PDHPE. The course work enhances the class work students are already studying in Year 6, while at the same time giving them insight into High School.

Students form a discrete class, follow a high school timetable and enjoy being part of the high school for one day per week for a term.


Pathfinders is a transitions program that allows identified future students of GRC Peakhurst the opportunity to have a high school experience before actually beginning high school. They form a class and rotate through a timetable that helps to familiarise them with the procedures, teachers and subjects GRC Peakhurst offers. This program runs over several days towards the end of Term 4 so students are ready to begin as confident high school students the following year.