Georges River College Peakhurst Campus

Respect, Responsibility, Excellence

Telephone02 9153 9966


English study is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.

In English, students learn about the study and use of the English language in its various textual forms. These encompass spoken, written and visual texts through which meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted and reflected. Complexity increases as students progress through their schooling.

Developing proficiency in English enables students to take their place as confident communicators; critical and imaginative thinkers; lifelong learners; and informed, active participants in Australian society. Their understanding of English through knowledge and skills acquisition is essential to their intellectual, social and emotional development.

The study of English should develop a love of literature and learning and be challenging and enjoyable. It develops skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent and lifelong learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning.

In Year 11 and 12, the study of English is mandatory. Courses offered include:

  • English Extension 2
  • English Extension 1
  • English Advanced
  • English Standard
  • English Studies
  • English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)
  • English Life Skills.

English & English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) faculty

The English faculty consists of a dedicated and innovative staff. We pride ourselves on commitment to excellence and strive to further our students to achieve to the best of their abilities.


The curriculum we offer is diverse and challenging. We focus strongly on meeting the different needs and abilities of our students. We have a firm commitment to ensure all of our students clearly meet stages 4 and 5 outcomes of the syllabus. Each year group has a focus on developing and reinforcing skills learned through topic areas which are taught yearly. Each topic area is revisited each year, however different aspects are taught which ensure all stage 4 and 5 outcomes are met. There is a strong focus on allowing students the opportunity to develop and expand their skills and knowledge in the key areas of:

  • reading/viewing
  • writing
  • speaking
  • listening
  • computer technology

The course is designed for students to become critical thinkers and analytical in deconstructing different texts used in diverse cultural, social and historical contexts. There is a focus on cross- curriculum priorities which include: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture; Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia; and sustainability.


Stage 4: Years 7 and 8

The Year 7 programs focuses on the following context and skill areas:

  • diagnostic Literacy Testing at the beginning of the year. This helps the class teacher to address the learning needs of individual students
  • thematic Unit - Me, Myself and I - focusing on autobiographical and biographical content
  • text Types - structure, form and language - with a focus on punctuation and grammar
  • poetry – introduction to form, structure and meaning - with a focus on the use of poetic devices
  • literature - short stories
  • literature study - novel with focus on structure, language and thematic content
  • film as text - introduction to film techniques and their use to convey meaning
  • drama – practical and text study
  • media - study of television as a form of mass media
  • listening / speaking components addressed throughout the year

The Year 8 program focuses on the following context and skill areas:

  • literacy - focus on: Language/Comprehension/Vocabulary
  • literature Study – Myths and Legends - from a diversity of cultures
  • poetry – special focus on Australian Poetry, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content
  • thematic study - Survival stories in literature, media and film
  • literature study - close study of novel
  • media – Newspapers as a focus study
  • film as text – Heroes as represented in film
  • drama – practical and text study
  • wide reading - novel, short stories and other material
  • listening/speaking components addressed throughout the year

Stage 5: Years 9 and 10

The Year 9 program focuses on the following content and skills area:

  • literacy - focus on language, comprehension, vocabulary and text types
  • literature Study – close study of novel
  • poetry - close analysis of the structure, form and poetic devices used to convey meaning
  • text types - structure and form - including a focus on punctuation and grammar
  • genre study - representation of different genres through film and short story texts
  • drama - close study of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
  • wide reading - close study of the structure, language and meaning of novel texts
  • area of study - close study of text and additional material
  • listening/speaking components addressed throughout the year

The Year 10 program focuses on the following context and skill areas:

  • literature study – close study of a novel
  • poetry – close study of Australian poets
  • literature - short story - reading, analysis and composition of narrative responses
  • drama – close study of William Shakespeare's Macbeth
  • media - Advertising - focus on the visual and literary techniques used to convey meaning
  • film as text – Whale Rider
  • area of study - Power - close study of a core text and relevant additional material
  • text types - focus on essay and narrative responses.