The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.
The syllabus consists of the following strands:
- number and algebra
- measurement and geometry
- statistics and probability.
Mathematics curriculum rationale
Mathematics is a reasoning and creative activity employing abstraction and generalisation to identify, describe and apply patterns and relationships. It is a significant part of the cultural heritage of many diverse societies. The symbolic nature of mathematics provides a powerful, precise and concise means of communication. Mathematics incorporates the processes of questioning, reflecting, reasoning and proof. It is a powerful tool for solving familiar and unfamiliar problems both within and beyond mathematics. As such, it is integral to scientific and technological advances in many fields of endeavour. In addition to its practical applications, the study of mathematics is a valuable pursuit in its own right, providing opportunities for originality, challenge and leisure.
Mathematics Years 7–10 Syllabus
The strands are briefly outlined below:
strand: working mathematically - objective: Students develop understanding and fluency in mathematics through inquiry, exploring and connecting mathematical concepts, choosing and applying problem-solving skills and mathematical techniques, communication and reasoning.
strand: number and algebra - objective: Students develop efficient strategies for numerical calculation, recognise patterns, describe relationships and apply algebraic techniques and generalisation.
strand: measurement and geometry - objective: Students identify, visualise and quantify measures and the attributes of shapes and objects, and explore measurement concepts and geometric relationships, applying formulas, strategies and geometric reasoning in the solution of problems.
strand: Statistics and Probability - objective: Students collect, represent, analyse, interpret and evaluate data, assign and use probabilities and make sound judgements.
Program initiatives
Curriculum newsletters - Each term, mathematics curriculum newsletters are sent home to provide a brief outline of the topics being delivered and assessed during the coming term. Parents are encouraged to support their child in keeping up to date and revising the course content.
Information and Software Technology Years 7–10 Syllabus
Information and Software Technology is an elective offered to Year 9 and Year 10 students. It may be completed as either a 100 or 200-hour course and it enables students to develop knowledge, understanding, confidence and creativity in analysing, designing, developing and evaluating information and software technology solutions.
Students undertaking the course in both Years 9 and 10 will complete a minimum of four projects which focus on developing solutions to real world problems. The projects integrate practical aspects of both the core and option topics taught.
Stage 5: Year 9 and Year 10
Core topics:
- Design, produce and evaluate
- Past, current and emerging technologies
- Data handling
- Hardware
- Issues
- People
- Software
Option topics:
- Artificial intelligence, Simulation and modelling
- Authoring and multimedia
- Database design
- Digital media
- The internet and website development
- Networking systems
- Robotics and automated systems
- Software development and programming
In IST, assessment is based on each student's:
- competence in selecting, justifying and using a range of hardware and software applications.
- ability to analyse problems, initiate independent research in an ethical manner and communicate ideas.
- higher-order thinking skills and problem-solving strategies in project work.
- competence in self-management skills including time and resource management during project work.
- ability to communicate and document thoughts and understanding through reflective writing in project logs.
- ability to evaluate processes and solutions for a variety of real-world problems.
- collaborative approach to projects, leadership, negotiation and interpersonal skills.
- knowledge of current and emerging technologies and their effects on the individual, workplace and society.