Georges River College Peakhurst Campus

Respect, Responsibility, Excellence

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Elective history

Elective history is an elective that students may choose in Years 9 and 10. Students are able to experience history as an elective subject to expand their knowledge of history and acquire the historical skills, knowledge and understanding, and values and attitudes essential to an appreciation of the past and to prepare students for informed and active citizenship in a changing world.

Year 9 Elective history

The Year 9 elective history course begins with a topic called "History, Heritage and Archaeology". This topic centres on the development of source analysis skills, understanding of the work of historians and archaeologists, and refining of values and attitudes relating to heritage and the role of technology in contributing to our understanding of the past.  At this time, students will also undertake research into an archaeological site of their choosing and present their findings in a speech and IT presentation. Students are invited to attend an excursion to an active archaeological dig site at The Rocks in Sydney. Term Two includes a study into "The Rise of Hitler and Life in Nazi Germany". This important topic includes a film study of "Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" and encourages the students to develop a critical view of the contribution of the media in our understanding historical events. Students undertake an excursion to the Sydney Jewish Museum and have the chance to hear first-hand about the experiences of a holocaust survivor.

Year 10 Elective history

"Crime and Punishment" is a thematic study which looks at the nature of criminal activity across time and how it was dealt within by society from ancient to modern times across various societies. In small groups, students are given the task of research and create a short documentary which outlines the development of prisons, transportation and other forms of punishment. The next topic includes the life and assassination of John. F. Kennedy. After learning about the assassination and weighing up the evidence, students are required to develop a report justifying their conclusions regarding the innocence or guilt of Lee Harvey Oswald. The archaeology of the Pacific is the focus for the next unit of work. The final topic, Heroes and Villains, encourages students to further develop their research and IT presentation skills.