Georges River College Peakhurst Campus

Respect, Responsibility, Excellence

Telephone02 9153 9966

Student management & engagement


Students are expected to be respectful, responsible and aim for excellence whilst at school and in the community. At all times, students should behave in a way that enhances their own reputation and that of the school. Peakhurst Campus is a place where we endeavour to ensure that all students will feel happy and safe.

Merits and points

Positive behaviour is rewarded through a system of merits and awards.  Each student begins the year on 0 points and is able to gain points when they receive Merit Certificates or Principal's Awards for excellent effort, participation and/or performance. Students who continue to gain sufficient merit awards will be promoted to a higher level and receive subsequent rewards. At the end of each term, students who have displayed positive behaviour, and have not had any negative incidents recorded, may be eligible for bonus points.

Students behaving inappropriately may be placed on yellow or red levels.  In this case, parents/carers will be notified so that we may work together to help resolve the problem.  The onus of responsibility is on students to correct their behaviour. Students placed on a yellow or red level will be closely supervised by the Deputy Principals and are required to complete a program of daily monitoring over a number of weeks. 

Level Gold:

Points: 50+

Level Silver:

Points: 40 - 49

Level Bronze:

Points: 30 - 39

Level +2:

Points: 20 - 29

Level +1:

Points: 10 - 19

Level 0:

Points: 0 - 9

Level Yellow:

Points: Suspension caution

Level Red:

Points: Return from suspension


Students are expected to walk and behave sensibly and quietly around the school. They should:

  • avoid congestion by keeping to the left where necessary.
  • line up outside the classrooms quietly.                                      
  • carry their bags on their shoulders and behave in a responsible manner as they walk from class to class.

Recess, lunch & after school reflections

  • at times, students will be asked to reflect on their behaviour during recess and/or lunch or after school.  In general, these reflections will be given because students have neglected to fulfil their responsibilities. 
  • parents/carers will be informed if their child receives an after school reflection via a reflection slip which will be issued to their child. Students are responsible for providing this slip to their parents/carers to sign. Parents/Carers are requested to ask their child to return the signed slip to the issuing teacher.
  • please note that the reflection advice is for communication and information purposes only. The student is expected to attend the reflection.
  • all after school reflections are held on Mondays and Tuesdays.
    Faculty reflections are managed by Faculty Head Teachers in their respective blocks from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
    Whole school reflections are managed by Deputy Principals in D1.10 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


If parent/caregivers wish to discuss their child's work, progress, conduct or any other aspect of their wellbeing with any of the member of staff, an appointment must be made through the School Office.