Peakhurst Campus

Georges River College

Telephone02 9153 9966


In NSW high schools, languages is a key learning area.

Language study allows students to develop communication skills, learn about languages as systems and explore the relationship between language and culture. Students engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of societies and reflect on their understanding of social interactions.

Languages faculty

Moving between countries, cultures and languages has become more commonplace because of the ease of transportation, globalisation, advanced communicative technology and multiculturalism.

At Georges River College Peakhurst Campus, the students engage in 100 hours of Japanese in Year 8, and then can elect to study Japanese in Years 9 and 10.

Not only can the students learn about the language, but they also receive a wider knowledge of the culture of Japan and are encouraged to draw connections with their own cultures. Whilst improving on their analytical skills, students will engage with the four macro skills, and become competent in reading, writing, listening and speaking of the Japanese language.


The Japanese program at Georges River College is based upon the learning of language and culture as stated in the NSW Board of Studies Japanese K-10 Syllabus. It emphasises moving between cultures, making linguistic connections and using the language.   


Year 8

Students begin learning the language of Japanese, along with its placement within Japanese culture. Students will begin to learn the Hiragana Script and some familiar words in Katakana and Kanji. Furthermore, students will be able to build their initial language skills, in reading, writing, listening and speaking, with the aid of many exciting resources. At the end of the year, students will be able to introduce themselves, ask many questions about others and answer appropriately, describe features of their families and adequately understand certain aspects of Japanese culture.

Year 9

Students electing to continue their studies of Japanese will further their language skills as it is placed within the context of intercultural language learning. Students will build on their macro language skills whilst learning further language and grammar. The focus on script this year revolves around the study of Hiragana and Katakana. Students will be further able to describe their surroundings, and their personal worlds. With the aid of the Iitomo workbooks, students will prepare for Year 10 Japanese.

Year 10

Students continuing their studies in Stage 5, will begin to further their language skills at a higher order, concentrating on the specifics of learning the Japanese language. The focus on script this year revolves around the study of Katakana and Kanji. At this stage, students will be able to discuss the elements of the language and the reasons for their use. Furthermore, they will develop the skills needed to read and listen at a sophisticated level, whilst improving their productive speaking and writing skills. Students will also learn the use of Information Communication Technologies in the classroom, including typing in Japanese.

Other faculty initiatives

Year 9 and 10 elective Japanese students have the opportunity to take a culturally immersive trip to Japan. The next trip is planned for later in 2025, and will visit Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima and Kyoto.

Throughout the course we also undertake excursions visiting the Japanese Foundation, the Botanical Gardens for the Cherry Blossom Festival and Luna Park for Katakana recognition. Our Year 8 cohort are invited to attend a Taiko incursion, which is an ancient drumming tradition.